In addition to changing the location for storing Stonefield Query's reports and other files, Query's data.ini file can be used to change some other settings. These settings are listed below, along with information on the exact behaviour for each, and the available settings to be made in data.ini. The Changing the Location for Reports and Other Files topic has instructions for locating and editing the data.ini file.

Specifying the database format for Notes fields

In version 8.5, the GoldMine database structure was changed so that notes are now stored in a separate database table. Previously, the notes were stored alongside other fields in the main table.

Normally, Stonefield Query is able to detect the GoldMine version, and then handle retrieving notes values appropriately. However, in some cases, there is a problem with detecting the GoldMine version. For this reason, it's possible to explicitly specify whether to use the new version 8.5 notes format, or the earlier format. This is done by adding an 85Notes=Yes or 85Notes=No item in the [Options] section of data.ini.


With this change in version 8.5, the notes field was also changed to an Image data type in SQL Server database. This requires special handling when Query retrieves this data. Again, Query normally is able to detect this situation and react appropriately. However, if Query does not properly detect this SQL image field format, a SQL85Notes=Yes entry can be added to the [Options] section of data.ini, to force this processing.


Specifying the ODBC driver

Normally, Stonefield Query automatically detects the correct ODBC driver to use for connecting to a GoldMine database. However, under some circumstances it is necessary to specify a different ODBC driver to be used instead. One example of this is if TLS 1.0 security is disabled on the database server, and an ODBC driver supporting TLS 1.2 must be used instead.

To specify a driver to be used for a particular GoldMine database, add a ServerType= entry to that database's section of data.ini. The value specified must exactly match the name of the ODBC driver to be used for the connection. For example, to specify that the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 driver is to be used for the GoldMine database, the following would be used:

ServerType=SQL Server Native Client 11.0

Preventing Query from communicating with the running GoldMine application

If an instance of the GoldMine application is running when Stonefield Query is started, then Query will attempt to set up a communication link to that GoldMine instance. This is done using a mechanism called Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). This mechanism allows Query to do such things as detecting the current GoldMine user and database, so Query can automatically connect using them as well.

If you wish to disable this DDE connection, add a GoldMineDDE=No entry to the [Options] section of Query's data.ini file.


Preventing Query from calling GoldMine DLL functions

Stonefield Query executes functions in some of GoldMine's own program library files, in order to perform some tasks. In rare circumstances, these DLL calls can cause errors. To disable these DLL function calls, add a GoldMineAPI=No entry in the [Options] section of data.ini.


© Stonefield Software Inc., 1996-2021 • Updated: 01/27/21
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